Median artwork
It's nice to be back from Europe. I had a great time, but I love getting back home. Anyway, last night I went to dinner w/my parents for my dad's birthday, and going down to Broad Ripple on College Ave. right after the White River Bridge and Park Tudor, there is that stupid sculpture in the road median. I'm sorry, but that's just not art. It's like a giant yellow Gumby. This sculpture, along with the following, are things which I do NOT consider art. Art is a masterpiece painting. Throwing a bunch of metal together, getting strung out and throwing paint and other liquids around over it is asylum-worthy, BUT NOT ART.
Art is NOT:
-any work by Jackson Pollack. I feel sorry for the man. He was an alcoholic and Ed Harris is one of my favorite actors. But Pollock was no artist. Anyone can throw paint on a wall.
-the majority of works from the Weimar period in Germany.
-Yoko Ono's works
-artwork in road medians
-Andy Warhol
The following IS art (and masterpiece art at that):
Any work of Mapplethorpes. What a genious!
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